Monday, May 30, 2011

Upcoming Youtube Video... Massive Roller Coaster

I am currently in the process of creating a humongous Minecraft minecart roller coaster. I am looking forward to showing you the finished product, and hopefully that finished product will guide you into making your own minecart coaster.

In other news, I am having a blast with the new features updated in Minecraft 1.6.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Minecraft 18 x 18 Trap and Spawn Tower Tutorial

I spent a large amount of time creating this huge mob trap. Soon, I will post screenshots of the final tower just for the people who visit this blog. My next plan is to make three more mob towers close to this one and connecting the collection streams.

1. When making this trap, start the first floor slightly higher than I did so you can extend the collection stream further.

2. Find all caves in the area of the trap and light them up. This will decrease the amount of places other than the mob trap that can spawn mobs, and therefore your spawn rate will be higher.

3. Operate during the day time, or light up the entire surface area around the tower. You don't want your mob trap's spawn rates to be depleted by mobs spawning on the surface.

4. Experiment with the actual part of the tower you use to kill the mobs with. The one shown in the video is pretty inefficient and I actually changed it as soon as I finished the video. Again, you must start the first floor higher in order to provide more room for a better trap.

5. Strip mining, while cosmetically unpleasant, will greatly increase your ability to acquire raw building materials for creating such a large trap.

6. You can change this trap to an animal farm by changing the top layer of cobblestone in each floor to dirt, lighting it up with torches, and spreading grass to the dirt (this can be done by making a dirt path from a patch of grass to each floor of the tower.)

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Tutorial Coming Soon

I'm in the process of creating the tutorial video for the entire Minecraft mob tower... this is a massive project so this may take a few days. I will give you some specs it will have...
The tower itself will be 18x18, and reach from near the bottom of the map to the top. I haven't decided on the trap yet, but it will most likely be a drowning trap.

Friday, May 20, 2011

New Simple Minecraft Mob Tower Trap

This Minecraft video produced by myself shows my first mob trap and mob spawning tower that I built. The spawning tower and trap have unique designs, so I can easily claim this for my own. Eventually, once I get more views I will create a tutorial and give you all of the info you need to create this mob trap. The great thing about this trap is that it does not take up very much space, and it works quite efficiently. Since the filming of this Minecraft video, I have fixed many things on my trap, including how to kill animals and mobs alike, and collect all of the items.

Minecraft Tutorial: Utilizing the SW Corner Glitch

This is a video published by myself showing the method of creating a elevator utilizing the South West corner glitch on Minecraft. If you have any questions about this Minecraft south west corner glitch tutorial, please comment in the comments and I will try to help out.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Welcome! I'm Minecraft Maximizer

I'm Minecraft Maximizer, you may have seen or heard of me from Youtube. I am making this blog for all of you people who need a location for tons of Minecraft advise, guides, and tutorials. If you need anything or want just want to talk about Minecraft, then contact me via my Youtube messages, a blog comment, or any other method you find (except in person, that would be creepy.)